Specialists, all Latvia
Mātes un bērna veselības aprūpes centrs, LTD
Dialīzes centrs, LTD, Day hospital
LTD Andas Kariņas ģimenes ārsta prakse
Certified podiatrist Velta Vasilevska - private practice
Sabīnes Pavlovskas ģimenes ārsta prakse, LTD
Beltiņas ģimenes ārsta prakse, LTD
LTD "Beltiņas ģimenes ārsta prakse" cares for patients from infancy to seniors. We carry out preventive examinations, vaccinations, treatment in case of acute and chronic diseases, dynamic monitoring. In practice, blood tests are performed by prior appointment. In practice, the accessibility of the environment for persons with functional disabilities is ensured.
Alpino Pērle, LTD, Medical practice
Ina Zemtura's family doctor-pediatric practice
Ina Zemtura's family doctor-pediatric practice in Ventspils provides the following health care services: family doctor's consultations for adults and children, care of newborns, preventive examination of children and adults, vaccination of children and adults, referrals to specialists, form of work incapacity forms, first aid and provision of emergency assistance. Family doctor, pediatrician in Ventspils.
Lioznovas S. family doctor practice
Ģimenes ārsta prakse Preiļos. Piedāvā mājas vizītes, potes, vakcīnu saņemšanu, veselības pārbaudes, zāļu receptes, nosūtījumus pie speciālista, slimību ārstēšanu, pieņem bērnus no 1 gada vecuma.
Ausmas Kondratovičas ārsta kardiologa privātprakse
On leave from 11. 07. -22. 08. 22.
About the practice of a doctor:Cardiologist's private practice of Dr. Ausmas Kondratovičas in Talsos. We perform electrocardiography during the visit. Registration is mandatory. Special ramp and elevator for patients with functional disorders.
LaTi un kompānija, LTD
Medical society "LaTi un Kompānija" is an outpatient treatment facility, where pediatric and adult surgery, traumatology and orthopedics specialists are available.
The company was founded in 1994. year. Working in a united team, with 30 years of experience, we are able to help in a wide variety of situations - also in cases of complicated illnesses. Our goal is to provide professional consultation, diagnosis and treatment.
Kalvja Krastiņa ārsta prakse, LTD
Received medical education at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia. Specialization in Traumatology - Orthopedics and Hand Surgery obtained in the residency program of the University of Latvia. He has expanded his knowledge abroad in various specialized courses and seminars abroad, mostly in Europe, and has also interned in Sweden - at the Lund University Clinic.
Mainly engaged in traumatology - orthopedics, hand surgery - both surgical and conservative treatment of joints, muscles, tendons, nerves, injuries, consequences of injuries, congenital and acquired diseases.
ARS Veselības centrs
Medicīnas sabiedrība ARS, LTD
ARS Diagnostics clinic
"ARS Diagnostikas klīnika" perform medical examinations.
Pārventas poliklīnika
Saules Veselības centrs, LTD
Private outpatient facility "Saules veselības centrs" established in 2011. year. For us from the very first "Saules veselības centrs" it is very important to offer medical services, combining high quality standards in medicine with personal, sensitive and careful patient care. We are located in the center of Riga in the UNESCO World Heritage Zone, in the territory of an urban monument, in an Art Nouveau house, which preserves the interior of that time and is easily accessible to patients of the city, as well as patients entering the city by public transport. We provide paid medical services paid by the patient, the employer or insurance companies with which contracts have been concluded. Accessibility for persons with disabilities. Doctors provide remote consultation. Our mission is a healthy, happy, cooperative patient. Our values - professionalism, health, responsibility, development.
Janīna Jevdokimova, ID, foot specialist
A podiatrist with extensive work experience treats various toenail diseases. Perform a medical pedicure. There is access for people with mobility impairments.
Petraškevičs Ingrida family doctor's practice
On working days from 18.00 to 8.00, on holidays and public holidays round-the-clock consultation telephone of family doctors 66016001 or 133.
Dr. Ingrīda Petraškēviča is on vacation from 23.05.2024 to 29.06.2024. The doctor will be replaced by family doctor Dr. Svetlana Koola "Ūnijas dokrorāts", Burtnieku street 36A.
Phone for inquiries: 67560229. The working hours of the practice at Ieriķu street 20 are unchanged.
In case of questions, please call the practice: 67563320.
Nodieva Anda - ārsta prakse pneimonoloģijā, LTD
Nodieva Anda is an experienced pulmonologist with more than 20 years of experience in her specialty. Anda Nodieva's medical practice specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases and sleep apnea. The practice is located in Smiltene. By offering patients high-quality medical care and a thorough approach, Nodieva Anda strives to provide optimal health solutions for her patients. Anda's private practice's special focus on lung health and sleep apnea diagnosis allows patients to receive accurate and effective treatment. With love for medicine and patients' health, Nodieva Anda is ready to offer quality treatment options to improve patients' quality of life and health.
Medical institution registration code: 9416-00032